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  • Mission Statement

    It is the mission of the Los Santos Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with the diverse communities to improve their quality of life. Our mandate is to do so with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence  



  • Los Santos Police Department Subdivision Advisers

    Canine Unit - Vacant

    Traffic Enforcement Unit - Vacant

    Port Authority - Vacant

    Search and Rescue - Vacant

    Bicycle Unit - Vacant

    Motorbike Unit - Vacant

    Criminal Investigation Division - Vacant

    Gang Intelligence Unit - @George S. 2L-36 l Civ-326

  • Port Authority

    The main purpose of the Los Santos Police Department Port Authority is to ensure the safety of all civilians, along with ensuring all travel procedures are not in danger. The Los Santos Port Authority uses their vehicles in order to help vessel pursuits come to an end, seizing illegal contraband, to helping other boaters, maintaining the safety at the beach, and to be able to provide security for the airports and all ports in Los Santos. The Los Santos Port Authority takes advantage of their vehicles, whether it be by Air, Land, or Sea.


  • Bicycle Unit

    The Bicycle Unit is an unique subdivision. It is rare to see in other servers, but here at Midnight City Roleplay, the Los Santos Police Department does offer the Bicycle Unit subdivision. Being able to go and patrol on a bicycle is more maneuverable than with just a generic police cruiser. Being able to be outside in the public will allow you to socialize and connect more with the public civilians of Los Santos. Being a bicycle unit requires you to have great socialization skills, while still being able to maintain your general duties as a police officer.


  • Search and Rescue

    The primary duty of Search and Rescue is being able to help missing subjects safely, and being able to assist them back to safety. Search and Rescue works closely with other subdivisions, such as the Canine Unit, and Port Authority, along with the San Andreas Fire Department. It is extremely important for all Search and Rescue members to have great communication skills and able to deal well with stressful situations, as it could be life or death for someone. Being in this subdivision is a huge honor being able to save many people. 


  • Criminal Investigations Division

    The main task the Criminal Investigation Division is to lead any investigation and be able to righteous and fully prosecute any offenders. Any CID subdivision member should be prepared to execute warrants, protect high defense targets, apprehending auto crime thiefs. Any member part of the Criminal Investigations Division should have the passion to always excell the investigation further than just normal patrol units. Any member part of CID will be required to think outside of the box and be able to come up with fast solutions in stressful situations.


  • Traffic Enforcement Unit

    The primary duty of TEU is to insure all civilians are following all traffic laws, and you be enforcing them. By enforcing these traffic laws, it will help reduce and manage all traffic collisions, while keeping traffic fluid. The Los Santos Police Department Traffic Enforcement Unit's primary focus are reducing vehicle collisions, keeping traffic flowing, help D.U.I accidents, respond to intense priority vehicle chase situations. Speed is extremely important to TEU, however still very important to be maintaining the level of safety for all civilians in the public.


  • Canine Division

    The Los Santos Canine Division are responsible for various amount of different tasks while on duty. While you and your companion are extremely useful, you and your canine will be tasked with detecting narcotics, weapons, substances such as explosives, wildlife scat, currency, blood, and contraband, along with having the ability to locate and take down fleeing subjects. The Los Santos Police Department has partnered with the Los Santos International Airport & The University of San Andreas to keep those grounds contraband free.


  • Motorbike Unit

    The Los Santos Police Department Motorbike Unit is one of the most useful subdivisions during a vehicle pursuit. It is very easy to be able to stay with everyone. Although being on a motorbike chasing someone may seem interesting, it is extremely dangerous. You must maintain the safety of yourself and the public around you as well. You must make sure you do not get yourself in a dangerous situation at anytime. You can only use the motorbike when the weather best fits, meaning you can't ride when it is raining or during a snow storm.


  • Gang Intelligence Unit

    The Los Santos Police Department Gang Intelligence Unit works closely with the Strategic Response Unit in order to take control of the most dangerous criminals in Los Santos. They should be prepared to deal with all sorts of gang members and assist the Criminal Investigations Division in their investigations. GIU is responsible to keep all the streets of Los Santos safe for the public, so no one gets hurt. Members in this division should expect to make quick second tactical decisions, and be able to communicate well with others. 




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  • LSPD Administration

    Chief of Police - Vacant

    Assistant Chief of Police - Vacant

    Deputy Chief of Police - Vacant

    Deputy Chief of Police - Vacant

    Police Commander - Vacant


    Senior Staff




    Staff Members

    Sergeant III

    Sergeant II

    Sergeant I


    Staff in Training

    Corporal II

    Corporal I


    LSPD Members

    Senior Lead Officer

    Senior Police Officer 

    Police Officer III

    Police Officer II

    Police Officer I

    Police Cadet


    Reserve Members

    Senior Reserve Police Officer

    Reserve Police Officer II

    Reserve Police Officer I


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