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    Midnight City Roleplay Donation Page

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    How To Donate?

    If you would like to make a donation to the Midnight City Roleplay Community, you can check out our Patreon, or you can send donations directly to our PayPal.


    What Are The Donations For?

    All donations within the community are meant to go straight back to you. This community is fully non-profit any and all funds will be used to maintain this community and add new assets to enhance your experience. 


    Why Donate?

    Donations within the community are extremely helpful to help maintain the community to ensure there is never a financial issue which can close the community. It also allows members to give a way of saying thank you, and that you are enjoying your time inside the community.  

    If you do decide to make a donation into the community, you will get a role in the Discord server which will allow you to view a chat with Head Administration, and members part of the Development Team. This will be used so you can ask questions about where your money is going, how it is being used, potentially give out suggestions of where you would like to see your money being used into the community.


    Thank You

    If you end up making a donation for the community, we greatly appreciate your generosity to the community, and thank you graciously for supporting Midnight City Roleplay.

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